Battle Training Feature Arrives

Hi StarCrazyies!
You’re going to like this! If you don’t see it in-game right now then you will within a day or so. (Maybe a few hours)
PvP Targeted Matching Feature
Now you can challenge any player on the leaderboard (another upgrade - it now displays the top 500 players) to a practice battle. This battle is just for fun and to improve your skills. There’s no energy spent when doing these practice battles and the card lineups consist of the last 3 lineups that each player used in the last battle.
When looking at the leaderboard, you’ll see the pair of crossed swords to the right of a player’s record (shown in red outline)
Click on the 2 swords

Now you’ll see a popup box that asks, “Challenge this player now?”
Click “Yes” to challenge that player. No pressure, no problem, all fun!

StarCrazy (text) AMA with Crypto Kingdom 👑
$100 WGF giveaways!!
Get the details on
Next Flash Sale
When: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Time: 12:00pm UTC
Loving Homes Need for Scholar and Ninja (2 Starz, 3 of each, 6 total)
They have no food allergies and are well behaved except when they aren’t. (That’s why you’ll love them)

Gentleman’s close all fit perfectly. And he sizes up his foes to help you make short work of them.
Sphinx may appear mysterious but there’s no mystery about her ability to turn the tide of battle in your favor.
And remember, all GFT from the sale are burned to increase the value of GFT for the ecosystem
The StarCrazy White Paper is now available
In the spirit of full transparency and accountability we’re happy to post the StarCrazy White Paper. Here’s the how and the behind StarCrazy (Hey this is Web3, baby!) Find it here.
Don't forget to join the next AMA and Flash Sale!
StarCrazy (text) AMA with Crypto Kingdom 👑
$100 WGFT giveaways!!
Get the details on
Special NFT Flash Sale
When: Tuesday, April 11, 2022
Time: 12:00pm UTC