Christmas Gift for All The Active Players — A X-Mas Battle NFT!

StarCrazy is here bringing holiday cheer! No holiday is complete without gifting, and StarCrazy comes bearing NFT gifts! You all have been nice this year since you've been playing StarCrazy, so it is StarCrazy’s turn to give!
Who gets an X-Mas NFT?
Users who have been active, i.e. triggered a smart contract in the game, specifically a purchase in an auction or mining during the 30 days between November 12th and December 12th. In total 2,942 NFTs have been chimney Dropped to all the players!
Who will you find in your wallet? Rainer, Elfie, Klaus, or Ginger?
If you did not receive one, don’t worry. That doesn’t mean you were naughty, it just means you didn't play enough! Maybe you’ll have better luck next year. Be on the lookout for crazy and fun surprises that StarCrazy creators might throw at you!
Chimney Drop is here!
The StarCrazy team just did a Chimney Drop of these limited edition X-Mas NFTs to you as thanks for being an active players of StarCrazy. Every active player gets one. Check your wallet! (You had to actively fuse, buy or allocate Starz to a StarMine to qualify. Any of those activities would have earned you a Star).
Santa had to practice before X-Mas to be sure the reindeer were in shape and to blow the cobwebs off the sleigh. He took the StarCrazy X-Mas NFTs as samples for you and here they are!
This year, Santa collaborated with StarCrazy to create four (4) unique holiday Starz for gifting (these are battle NFTs, with no digg power). Active players should have received any of Rainer, Elfie, Klaus, or Ginger in their Christmas socks (or wallets). These X-Mas Starz bring merriment but they’re not just for the glitzy holidays. They come packed with a punch too!
This is the season for giving and so we give! We want to thank all of you for being such a great and integral part of StarCrazy Journey. In less than 3 months since our launch at the end of September, we have reached record highs. And we are just getting started! 2022 will be a big year for us. See our Roadmpap.
Here’s a glimpse at them:

Rainer is a real dear when it comes to Christmas. He is swift, smart and full of light.

Elfie won’t stay on the shelf when it comes to a battle. She’s first to meet the opponent and go toe to toe.

Ginger fights with a side of spice! Duck and dodge against her candy cane sidekick to beat this fearless Star.

Klaus, knows if your opponents have been naughty or nice. And he won't think twice to bring Christmas spirit into their Starz life if they haven’t been good!
Keep playing in the New Year for more fun and more rewards! See the Roadmap for 2022.