New Year, New Voting

Dear StarCrazy Bug Hunters:
We always believe that listening to the community is necessary for each dev team if they want to build better games. We heard different voices from the community after dropping the first proposal test for our DAO system. Those voices were inspiring for us to improve the system.
• Another Proposal Testing Starting on January 12th
Here, we would like to thank Hunter Biden and other tech-savvy bug hunters for pointing out the problem of being able to vote infinitely. After fixing that bug, we would like to invite all our community members again to try out the voting system. An official voting will be held next week if the system is proven to be flawless.
The link to test the voting system:
How to vote: vote with your GFS (1 GFS equals 1 vote).
How we calculate your vote: your vote equals the amount of GFS you hold and you stake in the syrup pool when a voting starts.
Time: from January 17th to January 19th
Voting tutorials:
• An Official Website Update and a Flash Sale to Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit
We guess you have already noticed the official website update with a countdown for the Chinese New Year!

• PVP Season Five Starting from January 16th
The new PVP season started on January 16th. Did you apply for the first match? Don’t miss out to claim your hard-won rewards after the season ends!
• A Kind Reminder for Players with Too Many Unclaimed NFTs
Recently, it has been reported by several players that they could not find their bidden N cards or noticed that their unclaimed N cards were missing.
(Please don’t leave too many N cards unclaimed.) Now enter the game and claim the first 20 N cards. Then another 20 N cards will show up.
(Your unclaimed N cards are still there.) Haha please believe in blockchain technology, which is tamper-proof and transparent!
The blockchain system will suffer from an error with too many unclaimed NFTs generating a large volume of data to be extracted. To prevent this error, we designed the above process to retrieve your unclaimed NFTs. Remember to claim your NFTs NEXT TIME!