Planets Auction Results! AMA Plus Much More Inside

Hi StarCrazies!
We hope you’re all bundled up as we feel the crypto weather get colder. But never fear! This too shall pass and the good people at StarCrazy are still working to keep this an amazing game that puts you first for rewards.
Save the Date
January 30, at 12pm UTC, join SumoTex and StarCrazy for an AMA. Learn how NFTs are set to revolutionize the Real Estate industry. The revolution has already begun with SumoTex purchasing a StarCrazy planet. Join on the StarCrazy YouTube channel
Planet Auction Recap
The planet auction was more successful than we had dared to hope for! Here’s a brief summary:
- Planets sold: 100
- Total paid: 36,286.7496 GFS with a value of $762, 022. (25% of GFS was burned as a result of the auction)
- Number of bidders: 123

In fact, after our auction, there was an article on CoinMarketCap that goes in depth about fractionalized ownership of planets in the StarCrazy universe. Real estate company SumoTex purchased a StarCrazy planet and will allow players to own a piece of it with their NFTs.
“SumoTex announced their purchase of 1 of the 100 auctioned planets. Some planets sold for as high as $27,000 USD, with a total price of $762,022 USD. SumoTex’s purchase will allow for fractional ownership over planets with a much lower buy-in cost for players. Anyone can now own a piece of the planet! Did you dream as a kid of going to the stars? Well, now you can.” - CoinMarketCap
This is the first but certainly not the last fractionalized ownership in the metaverse. StarCrazy is leading the way in this type of innovation.

“Now with SumoTex’s virtual real estate in the StarCrazy metaverse, fractional ownership is opening more opportunities for investors than ever before. Both virtual and physical assets are being made widely available for anyone interested in the space. With a DAO structure, NFT holders will have the freedom and flexibility to shape real estate in the metaverse as they see fit.” - CoinMarketCap
And here are a few examples of StarCrazy rewards that players have been sharing with us:
A player sent this picture (thanks!) from his vacation in the Maldives that was funded by StarCrazy. Did you catch the Starz on his phone? From our Telegram

And we heard this great news from a player on Twitter, with the awesome handle of @cmellycat1. They report earning $5,000 from the sale of a Starz on StarCrazy! We love hearing that even more that we love that Twitter handle.

Keep sharing your StarCrazy stories on Twitter and maybe one day you’ll see yours here too! We love to see how you play and earn.
But we won’t sit content with this amazing planet performance. We will be releasing PvP updates very soon. Stay tuned for it. As we get closer we’ll give you a cornucopia of details.
And yes, we are on track to release the game in Q1. Hence start prepping your Starz for battle royale P2E, the likes of which you have never seen before.
We’ll leave you with this - keep playing, earning and ‘hodl-ing’ and we promise to keep ‘buidl-ing’ even more awesome ways for you to earn and enjoy StarCrazy.
And remember to save this in your calendar:
SumoTex & StarCrazy AMA
January 30, at 12pm UTC
Join on the StarCrazy YouTube channel