This Halloween Will Be Crazier With StarCrazy

To PVE players haunted by the Wizard Starz:
This Halloween will never be the same again with big crazy updates in StarCrazy for you to throw yourself into endless reward huntings. In this scarily exciting newsletter, you can find out what is waiting for you, such as a special Halloween-themed event and an introduction for the upcoming planet dashboard.
Scary Enough? Let’s SCROLL DOWN to find out more!
• Spooky Halloween Event
We have prepared something to make this Halloween unpredictable for you. For those who play PVE, get ready to get this coin with a strange smiley pumpkin:
From 12:00 UTC on October 30th to 12:00 UTC on November 30th

Wonder what magical power does it have?
With that coin, you can get rare game items, like skill books, permits, and ores of high rarity, through an entry below the one for magic essence, allowing you to spend an indulgent Halloween.

The more you play PVE, the more you can get it when battling with the Wizard Starz.
• About the Upcoming Planet Dashboard
This will be something that keeps you awake all night long! Planet Owners!!
Finding the planet you want to go will be the easiest thing that you have ever done. In the dashboard, planets can be sorted by their quality, buildings, and elements. What’s more, whether a building is functioning or not can also be known in the one-stop widget.
This powerful tool will be added just next to the exchange shop icon.
• Another Notice for PVE Battlers
Once again, please bear these dates in mind:
For this PVE season (2 Months):
Ending at: December 11th 15:59:59 UTC
When to claim rewards: December 11th 16:00 UTC to December 14th 15:59 UTC
• Don’t Miss Out on the Final Chance to Get the NFT
The invitation system will close at 2:00 AM UTC on October 28th. So this is your last chance to win the second-anniversary NFT by finishing all 29 missions. It is now or never Guys!!
Is this newsletter SCARY enough to keep your adrenaline rising for the whole Halloween??? We definitely don’t want to lose any of our players ; )